The most effective masks for facial rejuvenation at home

how to rejuvenate facial skin at home

Don't feed any girl with bread, just give me the opportunity to make beauty! Young ladies are very fond of different colorful tubes, boxes, jars and bottles, the contents of which promise them eternal youth and unearthly attractiveness. Masks stand apart in this company of care products - after all, they open up such a wide field for activity! With the help of masks, you can moisturize the skin and reduce wrinkles, and model the contours of the face, and give it freshness and radiance . . . In general, you will not get bored with them!

A special place among them is taken by hand-made masks. They allow you to feel like a little bit of a beautician and a little bit of a sorceress, casting over a wonderful potion. And also, to be honest, to save a small amount for the family budget. Today we will focus on just such masks. Namely, what anti-aging face masks can be made at home and how to use them correctly.

Beauty Laboratory

Of course, anti-aging masks need to be selected taking into account individual characteristics: age, skin type, allergies to any components. However, there is nothing to worry about - there are enough rejuvenation recipes for everyone!

The most popular ingredients for homemade masks are fruits and vegetables, oatmeal, honey and yeast. Therefore, before you open a "beauty salon" at home, you should stock up on them.

In addition, it should be remembered that a rejuvenating mask does not tolerate haste - you need to give yourself half an hour of calmness. You don't need to fry borscht with a mask on your face, talk on the phone or emotionally prove to your husband that you desperately need a fifth pair of sandals. All this later. And during rejuvenation - complete relaxation and tranquility, positive thoughts and light pleasant music.

And, probably, there is no need to clarify that anti-aging masks, as, in fact, all the others, are made only on the skin cleaned of makeup and washed hands.

Now it's time to get into practice! And you can start with the five best masks. They may not be the fastest to prepare, but the incredible effect is well worth the effort. So, here are their recipes.

TOP 5 most effective anti-aging masks

Asian Mask

Given where it came from, it shouldn't be surprising that its main ingredient is . . . rice! Partly because of him, oriental women look so good, because the rice contains:

rice mask for facial rejuvenation
  • skin softening starch;
  • choline, which relieves irritation;
  • elasticizing silicon;
  • dryness-fighting potassium;
  • vitamins PP and H, which refresh the complexion and promote cell regeneration.

When making this mask, you must follow the recipe exactly - only then will it be effective for rejuvenating the face and make the skin soft and tender.

So, 200 g of rice needs to be washed well seven times. Then pour it into a saucepan and pour two glasses of purified water. Cover and let the rice stand for 10 hours. For example, you can soak it in the morning, and prepare a mask by the evening.

After this time, a film should appear on the surface - no need to be afraid, then everything is correct. Next, put the saucepan on the stove and cook the rice until all the water is gone.

Attention!Do not mix the contents of the container!

For the mask, you only need the top layer of rice, it is it that is rich in the greatest amount of valuable substances. It must be carefully removed, cooled and mixed with the yolk. After five minutes, you can apply an anti-aging mask to your face. Then you need to rest for twenty minutes and wash it off with cool water.

This mask is good, first of all, for women after 45 years of age, whose skin has begun to fade. The remaining rice is quite edible.

Aloe juice mask

Everyone has heard about how useful aloe vera is for facial rejuvenation. It is a part of cosmetic products of many famous brands, as it contains more than a hundred nutrients - vitamins, minerals, and amino acids . . . Aloe is especially good for dry skin, although by and large it is suitable for all types. It evens out the complexion, remarkably refreshes and smoothes fine wrinkles.

To prepare such a mask, you need to cut a few leaves from the plant and leave them in the refrigerator for two weeks. Then carefully squeeze the juice out of them and mix it with olive oil in a one-to-one ratio. Then add a little nutritious cream there and warm the whole mixture slightly until completely homogeneous. A slightly warm mask is applied to the face, and it should be kept for a quarter of an hour, then wash with cool water.

Wheat Sprouted Mask

This is a very effective mask containing a high concentration of vitamins. Wheatgrass renews cells, gives the skin a fresh and healthy look. It is especially good to do such masks for women after 40 years, whose appearance is already beginning to undergo slight age-related changes.

What to mix with wheatgrass depends on your skin type. If it is dry, high fat sour cream will do; if sensitive - milk; if it's normal - yogurt, and if it's fat, then you need to take kefir. The sprouts should be washed in lukewarm water, dried and pounded in a blender. Then mix with the selected dairy product so that you get a thick paste. Apply it on your face, rest for a quarter of an hour and wash.

Quick Action Express Mask

egg-honey mask for facial skin rejuvenation

This is one of the "Best for Instant Effect" treatments. For example, if you urgently need to put your face in order before unexpected but dear guests arrive. Or go to a dinner party or an anniversary myself, and the skin, as on purpose, looks tired. This mask does not last too long, but for an emergency for one evening, it is what the doctor ordered!

To make it, you need an egg, honey and milk or, if the skin is very dry, then sour cream. Divide the egg into white and yolk, the latter is not needed. Beat the protein with a fork well with a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of milk (sour cream). Apply to face and lie down for a quarter of an hour.

This mask perfectly smoothes the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles, and refreshes. But to abuse it, doing too often, is not worth it - the protein dries.

Vitamin Yeast Mask

Probably, many have heard that yeast perfectly rejuvenates and promotes the regeneration of skin cells due to the content of B vitamins. It is their effect that is useful in order to significantly improve the appearance of the face at home.

So, a tablespoon of yeast should be mixed with a spoonful of milk or sour cream, again, depending on your skin type. Pour in a teaspoon of honey and flaxseed oil, mix well. Then heat the water in a saucepan or bowl so that it becomes very hot, lower the container with the mixture there and turn off the heat. As soon as the yeast ferments, the mask is ready to use. It must be cooled to a pleasant temperature and spread with a thick layer on the face for 10 minutes. Then wash with warm water.

Other folk recipes

Of course, the most effective masks are not limited to five recipes. There are a lot of them, and here are some more popular anti-aging blends from simple and affordable ingredients.

Lemon Mask

It perfectly smoothes small wrinkles, tightens pores, whitens well and relieves fatigue. To prepare such a mask, you need to take:

  • two raw yolks;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • a teaspoon of aloe juice;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • a teaspoon of olive oil.

Beat all ingredients with a fork until smooth and gently apply a thin layer on the face, avoiding the eye area. Lie down and wait for the mixture to dry. Then repeat all over again - there should be three layers of mask on the skin in total. During this ritual, you should not talk and show emotions. The mass should dry evenly and without creases. Hold it on the skin for half an hour and rinse it off - first with warm water, then cool. Finally, rub your face with an ice cube.

Crimson Mask

It perfectly nourishes, removes minor imperfections, gives the face a healthy color and velvety skin.

For such a mask, mash three tablespoons of raspberries in mashed potatoes, add a teaspoon of honey and olive oil and egg yolk. Mix all components well, apply on face and relax for 20 minutes. Then wash.

Curd mask

This mask is indispensable for tired skin. To prepare it, you need two tablespoons of cottage cheese of any fat content, but knead it without additives with a tablespoon of liquid honey. Add raw yolk, a teaspoon of lemon juice and a few drops of olive oil and stir. Spread on your face, rest for 20 minutes, and then wash.

Sea buckthorn mask

It is especially good for problematic and inflamed, oily skin. For her, two tablespoons of sea buckthorn must be crushed in mashed potatoes, add the same amount of cucumber juice, a spoonful of wheat flour and protein. Stir everything with a fork, apply on face in an even layer and rest for a quarter of an hour. Wash off with warm water.

Apple Mask

It refreshes well, moisturizes, gives the skin a healthy glow. And it is done very simply - the apple needs to be grated and mixed with thick sour cream to a paste state. Then spread the mixture on the skin and lie down for 10 minutes, then rinse.

These are the anti-aging recipes. We wish you to find among them the ideal one for your skin!